Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A day in the life

of a 9 month old baby. Is ohsointeresting...

This blog is for those of you who want to know how little Miss Kiera Elise is doing and what her latest and greatest is. I think I will be doing the writing primarily, but who knows, her daddy may pitch in and write something of his own.

The night we got home from our long day of travelling, I was sitting in the rocker in her bedroom feeding her. She had no been home in 2 weeks and the look on her face was pretty funny. She stopped eating, looked around, and got this look like I KNOW THIS PLACE, I'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE. I said to her "yes, this is your bedroom.." She went to sleep quite happily.
Her past achievements since Christmas have included:
2 new teeth, that had been threatening for quite sometime to come in, came in a couple of days after we got home.
Crawling. She has mastered this since we got home. She was really starting a couple of weeks ago, but a 3 faceplants in one day really put her off to doing in for a while. But now she has mastered it and I can no longer leave her and trust she will be in the same place as when I left her.
Cruising. She is moving from chair to chair to couch, to Bentley. whatever is there to grab onto! She is as pleased as punch with herself, and only did one face plant yesterday! she mostly falls on her bum now. Which is good.
I also enlisted her at a baby modelling agency. We will see if she gets anything at all. I hope she does. She sure is cute! And grins at strangers!

She has also taken a liking to Teletubbies. They move slow and speak her language. She waves at them hello and goodbye when they wave. she also just waves at people on tv randomly. its quite cute.

She is also frustrated at her lack of movement. She really wants to walk and yells when she can't get to where she wants to go. She makes her displeasure known. She is still easy to distract when she has something she shouldn't though.

She really enjoys self feeding, though will still tolerate being fed. I have given her some chicken to munch on which she likes and the other day I gave her a cupcake for the first time with chocolate icing. It was all over, but SO cute, so of course I took a picture. Yesterday I also gave her some lasgane, which she loved...and could stick in her face easily. Bentley is VERY happy to help with the clean up and whatever she throws in the floor. She is also starting to "offer" him her cookie, or whatever else she has in her hand. that too is very cute.

She hasn't had much for words as of late. She will happily imitate whatever I said if she knows how to say it. She is trying to call Bentley something, what I am not sure, so I encourage her whenever she looks at him and "talks". So her vocabulary is still mum, dada, and up. I wish I had that one on tape, it was as clear as a bell the other day. She also seems to be "asking" the names of things, like her hands. so I tell her all her body parts on a regular basis, someday she'll say 'em!
She is also acting like she may want to be weaned. Not as interested as before. I think it may be because there are way too many interesting things going on to be with mum!

So that is all for now, I am writing this down not only for you, but for her as well so we remember what she does!


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