Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A busy month

The month of March was pretty busy for us. Kiera is still amazes me with what comes out of her mouth at the ripe old age of 3.

Granddad and Nana came to visit for about a week and luckily the weather cooperated. I have a few good pics I will download. After they left, Ace came where the famous bathroom story happened. Then we left to see my parents in YYC. It ended up being a pretty hoo-humm week because Kalista was teething, as she seems to be doing constantly these days, her nose was runny and she was miserable. We decided to go swimming at this pool with a wave pool and water slide, which normally Kiera would love. She did enjoy it, but was *asking* to go back to grandmas house. as soon as we got home, we noticed that she had spiked a fever and was quite miserable all evening, well pretty much the rest of the week. Andrea came over for a visit and I think she has some kind of odd jealousy of Andrea or something because poor Andrea has never seen her HAPPY. I swear she is happy 90% of her life. so we ended up postponing our leave until Sunday where the flight home the girls slept peacefully the entire time, well almost. then we got stuck in a certain city for our last flight for 2.5 hours waiting for a broken plane. me, a baby, a preschooler and a dog is always interesting. but I must say Kiera is getting much easier to fly with.
I also found out I am on the s*** list in Canada if I lose another passport. I can't believe me somedays. WHERE does my head go!?

Since being home Kalista has sprouted her FIRST YEAR MOLARS. excuse me as I pull my hair out in abject misery of being around a child whose mouth is in constant pain. its just so JOYFUL. but I will survive. I swear she is half an inch from walking, she can hold on to just one our our hands and walk around, she is trying to walk from couch to couch, but still feeling less than confident. she WANTS to go let me tell ya, and I would be extremely surprised if she isn't running around by the time her first birthday arrives, which is also only 1 month and a bit away! I can't believe my baby is almost a year. sigh. she is just the cutest thing.

Not much else going on here. its warmer finally and looking springish. now I just need to get my landscaping under control.


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