Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Shining Mummy looks Good Moments

The other day all of us went to the grocery store. I am not particularly fond of going to the grocery store with all of my children, but alas with Doug being gone a lot, if we want to eat, it must happen.

First we hit produce, where Kiera sees the fresh produce and exclaims "MUMMy! BROCCOLI MUMMY! BROCCOLI!" Some ladies heard this, all laughed at her apparent excitement over broccolli and said NICE WORK MOM!. There I am laughing quite hard and grinning wildly at the same time.

After that lovely trip we were driving home and in the store window a beautiful RED dress caught my eye, so I parked the car and raced down there, girls in tow.
Got in the store, asked to see the dress and went to the change room to try in on. while in there, Kiera got the excitment of playing with the beanie babies on hand, she came in often to tell me "mummy! a giraffe! a money mommy!" it was all very exciting.
The dress was very nice, but it was 80 bucks and too long.

as we were leaving, totally unprompted she turns to the sales lady and says "Thank you for letting me play with your toys" Jawdrop! the lady was quite pleased and said "wow, nice manners you are very welcome, that is what they are there for." it made me look really good too! LOL.

As another discourse: I have recently discovered that I don't think Kiera doesn't respond to punishment, pretty much at all. She made a giant mess of these popcorn things in the package that our camera came back in and refused to clean them up. I was a bit short on patience and told her she would have a time out in her room unless she cleaned. well she refused. so I put her in her room. she wailed. she came out and she STILL refused to clean it up. So then I did what I should have done in the first place and took her hands and made her clean up the mess herself. It was a lot more peaceful, though more work for me. sigh.

I also had a lactivist/ventish moment this morning while I at the grocery store. I keep getting this coupons for mega money off formula. I was so ticked that I keep getting these things, because they know I have a baby because of the purchases I have made. So I told the manager that in the very least, these very incredibly unethical and it really angered me that these formula companies thought they had a right to compromise the health of my child and what would happen if I was less educated about breastfeeding? I would probably fall for the formula companies lies.
which brings me to this link:

Its by some old dude who just views women breastfeeding as FEEDING THIER BABIES. how completely shocking is that. its quite pathetic that I have to defend my right to feed my baby, though I think I have finally come up with a good line if I ever get challenged (though for some reason that has never happened to me before ;) ) "its my legal right to breastfeed, and its your legal right to look away ", I really suck at comebacks. so I think this will suffice.

The ignorance over bfing STILL astounds me, not just doing it publically, but the health benefits as well. I had a nieghbour press me about when I was going to wean, and she was 8 months old with no interest in solids. I was like "well, AAP recommends to a minimum of a year, and WHO recommends to a mimimum of two years ", and the response was "well, I guess two years in places with not very good nutrition." LOL. seriously. I mean, to me its just showing obvious ignorance about the extended benefits of bfing for longer than a year. and seriously, why would I want to quit a good thing? Human milk for human babies I say. Its not like the benefits of bfing magically stop at one year. the idea is so ridiculous and so propagated by FORMULA companies it drives me batty, though weaning at 6 months is suppose to be normal. By not giving them my business, they lose around a thousand dollars. they will never see a dime of my money from this baby this time around.

I also have another, though more offensive link to add. if you are offended easily, I would suggest you not read this one, though I personally find it totally hilarious.

So I am still a lactivist and still doing a lot of learning and its quite fascinating. I am considering becoming an LC/doula. how cool would that be?


At 9:11 AM, Blogger The Parents said...

Just a sec I am looking for my soap box so that I can stand with ya! :) Go Momma!


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