Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Monday, April 11, 2005

The Incline

So about a mile or so from our house, there is something called the incline. it is only about amile long, but you ascent 2000ft. Doug has been telling me I am not a true Manitoud until I have climbed this thing. On Saturday, which was absolutely beautiful, Doug, Dave (our friend) and I all set out to begin our ascent.
Somedays I think I am the biggest idiot as a parent that was ever out there. When we were getting ready to go, we thought about making sure we had enough water. but did I think of what KIERA would need?? noooooooo. Usually when I leave the house for 3 hours, I will pack cheerios, diapers, wipes, water, the usual stuff. Well there we are about 3/4 of the way there when she starts SCREECHING. and is there any pacifier to be found? no!!! and THEN she poops her britches and does her mother have a DIAPER for her?? NO! why? because shes an idiot mother!
She wanted her mummy SO bad, that I had to take her OUT of the backpack (which Doug was carrying) and I had her under one arm and was climbing the "stairs" myself. the incline used to be a railroad track, and in parts it pretty much goes straight up at parts. it was SO BRUTAL and there I am hauling an extra 20 pounds with me with a child strung under one arm. There is a "false top" where you think you are at the top, but in fact you have to go another 500 feet or so to get there. When we got to that point, we stopped, and I took off her diaper. out of desperation, the two wipes I accidently had with me, wiped her bum and put her pants back on with no diaper. she didn't seem to mind, though it was getting colder and colder as we went.
Finally we arrived at the top! And I DID IT! I took forever, which my little 9 year old friend Sawyer thought was REALLY funny, but I was pleased that I had done it at all. But I forgot the camera, and so you can't even appreciate just how hard I worked to do it. though you can type in the incline in google and get some pics.
So next time we go, because apparently there will be a next time, I am going to be PREPARED! with diapers, and wipes and cheerios and a SOOTHER! crazy. and a blankie, so she doesn't get so cold.
I woke up with every muscle in my lower body SCREAMING at me. I could barely walk. in fact, today I am still not completely over it. but this way it will tone it!
Yesterday there was this CRAZY winter storm that hit the city. But the whole time Doug and I are looking at each other going THIS IS IT?! If we shut down in Canada everytime it snowed this much, we'd never get ANYTHING done! We went to go visit our friend Dave, who lives in the plains, and it really was substantially worse. but that was only the last 5 minutes of our drive. We also went to black church for the first time ever. it was a lot of fun, Kiera was clicking her heels together and dancing with the music. but it was also 2 1/2 hours! and no childcare! but at least when she yelled no one flinched because they were all yelling PREACH IT at one point or another. it was pretty cool though. but I don't think I can do that every Sunday entertaining a baby.


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