Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Friday, April 01, 2005

Door opening...

She is quite pleased with herself that she can open and close doors all by herself. She'll do it for about 10 minutes at a time. She laughs every time she opens the door and sees me there. I guess its a laugh and a half shutting the door on your mum's face. I am sure that is just a shadow of things to come.

She is also turning into quite the toddler. Every day she is less like a baby and more like a toddler complete with temper tantrums. She had her first official one the other day. She had a short late afternoon nap bc she was really grouchy. I brought her downstairs and put her in her highchair and she got SO MAD at me, she arched her back and SCREAMED in frustration. I was looking at her wide eyed like OHMYGOSH, this is what I am in for? She is getting REALLY good at back arching when she is not getting her way, whatever that may be. Now I REALLY wish I had taught her baby sign language so she could tell me what the heck was going on. It turned out she had a butt that needed to be changed, but it didnt smell at all, and usually they do wickedly, so I didn't clue in. Her bum was SO SORE, I felt so bad. it seems like it goes from 0-100 in one diaper. Doug was upset with me bc I had forgotten to pick up his tea from the grocery store that morning, so he left just as she started to screech at me. I brought her upstairs, looked at her bum and decided she needed a bath. So there I am holding a baby with a naked, dirty bum in the air, she is screaming and I am trying to get the bath tub water going, so I am bent over and the PHONE RINGS! now I pretty much had to answer this call because it was an important one. So I am trying to be nice to the person on the phone while holding a baby with a dirty bum and no diaper as far away from me as possible. Screaming babies, phone calls, dirty bums and baths just don't mix. I, of course, wanted to kill Doug at this point bc he left me at point of crisis when I knew she was really upset and didn't know what was wrong with her. But she went to sleep beautifully that night and slept all the way until 630. We have a bit of a problem with her waking up like an hour earlier than usual. I am pretty sure its because the sun makes its appearance that much earlier. She has pretty much adjusted herself for daylight savings time, which is good. I am just going to start putting her to bed earlier on Saturday night.
Yesterday my friends came to oust what was left in my house from someone else. Doug thought/thinks I am crazy and imagining things that aren't there. But I told my MIL about this, and she told me when they were staying here, her bedroom door kept opening. She told it so scram. It never bothered her again. So I don't think I am crazy. It wasn't overly dramatic or anything, just telling it to leave us and our family alone. She sure had interesting stories though. My friends have done this ousting quite a bit in thier lives. Very interesting. The place that I live has a lot of witchcraft and the like. interesting town I live in.


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