Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Gold digging

Oh yeah. my daughter has figured out how to jam her finger up her nose. So far its come out "clean" but I am just waiting for the day when she figures out its a smorgasborg of food dying to be ate. EWWWWWWWW. I must always make a face when she does it because she grins widely if I look at her while she is doing it.
I am not really sure at what age there is any point of telling her not to do things and her getting it. would she get it if I discouraged her from doing it, or would she keep doing it bc it produces a reaction? ignore till it stops or say something so she does stop. geesh. I don't know. I feel very under qualified.
one of her favourite parts of getting her bum changed is the end of it. I grab her hands and count 1-2-3! and then "fly" her off the change table by her arms. Its so cute because she has started to anticipate her "flying" and giggles hysterically when its about to happen. She loves it and its SO CUTE!
She also has this habit of throwing her soothers/binky/paci out of her crib right before she goes to sleep. Some mornings she starts screeching bc she wants to sleep, but can't without the darn paci. I think its the whole cause effect thing again, but she hasn't figured out there is no one there to PICK IT UP when she throws it out. I have figured out that I can go in there, give it to her from off the floor, lay her down, she screams in protest and then finally goes to sleep. silly baby.
We also got a family membership to the YWCA, so she can go swimming whenever she wants and Doug can now come with us. What is nice about it is that childcare is provided, so I can go and work out and Doug doesn't necessarily have to be here. Its good, but I hope we can swing it in the budget. I really like having something to DO though! I am looking forward to getting off my sorry arse and feeling better about myself bc of it. And she really loves swimming too.

Today I am going to a funeral, with her unfortunately because Doug is away. An older lady from the chapter I am involved with her died suddenly of a stroke. But I am not sad for her one bit, because she went home. I am sad for me that I didn't get to know her better. She has the loveliest spirit about her, and I will miss that.
Doug went to Vegas to hang out with his buddy Steamer for a couple of days, which I am fine with. I just figure when she is weaned, I got it coming :) We do miss him though, and I know he misses us too, so we'll be fine for a couple more days. I feel like I have seen him a lot as of late, so why not?


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