Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Monday, March 07, 2005

Sleeping like CRAZY!

This weekend we went to Spokane to attend the wedding of Doug's grandpa on his moms side. That is a story full of drama in itself.

While we were there, she slept GREAT! I was AMAZED. Its like she is learning to sleep wherever she is put now, and HARD! We visited one of Doug's oldest friends, Jess and Candice, who have two small children as well. It was SO nice to visit another couple with small children whose house is childproof and toys abound. Now she didn't play WITH her 14 month old, but they played kind of along side each other. We put her to bed in thier portable crib, and at about midnight we decided we were just going to stay there instead. it was an almost comical set up. She has never slept very deeply thus far, but Candice needed to get the sheets out of her room where Kiera was sleeping. we actually managed to open the door, retrieve the sheets and shut the door. Then we set it up like a tacticle operation, I would grab her, Jess would grab the crib, and Doug would grab the bed for inside the crib. The stage was set, the lights were dim and we moved. I picked her up and ran down the stairs to the guest bedroom. Jess and Doug got the crib. It was set up within 1 minute (nice work guys) I laid her down with nary a peep and we both ran out. and she continued to sleep! how glorious! a first! And then on the plane ride, she actually fell asleep in my arms, also a first since she was a tiny baby.

Right now she is running around buck naked because her little bummy looks very sore. she is quite enjoying herself I'd say.

sometimes I can't believe her personality. she will smile and wave at ANYONE who smiles and waves to her. I wonder if that is because when she smiles, the world smiles back at her and tell her she is as pretty as a picture. on the plane she started playing a plane version of peek a boo with the guy behind us. She was sitting on my lap and standing up and ducking down enough so she couldn't see him and then jumping up and giggling hysterically. where does she get this stuff??? Then I go into my psych mode and wonder if that means she is not attached enough to me that she will endear herself to strangers. or maybe its the opposite and she is secure enough that she can explore the world. I hope its the second reason.

Her walking has become a lot more steady and she is much less likely to fall as of late. She is pulling herself everywhere and face plants have become a lot less regular. I expect real walking anyday now. they grow up so fast. *sigh* cheesy mum moment.

We also met Uncle Camis girlfriend, Deidre (hopefully got the spelling right), and I called her Auntie and that got an uncomfortable laugh. I love doing that! I get such a kick out of it. Well he is the one that declared his intentions to marry her in a letter...I am not speaking that out of turn!


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