Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sick Chick Day 4

Well I am not exactly sure what is going on in that little body of hers. Yesterday morning, she seemed pretty much back to her self, other than a bit more tired then usual.
But last night she slept TERRIBLY and I was so tired, and she has been getting up so much that when she woke up for the 3rd time at 3am, I let her cry. she cried for a long time. but I also dont' want to reinforce her getting up so much in the middle of the night. At 530 she woke up again, and complained cried for an hour or so until I went and got her. At this point I really wanted Doug to get his butt out of bed and help me. He never hears her in the middle of the night, so its just uniteruppted sleep for me. I really wanted to sleep for another hour or so. She sat there in bed with us, complaining, though not really loudly, about her treatment last night. After 25 minutes of me going to a full awakened state, Doug took her to give her breakfast. She ate breakfast and was ready for bed again. She slept so much today it was crazy. I am kind of dreading tonight as Doug is gone (not that it makes a huge difference when he is here at night anyway), but its all me for the next 24 hours. I hope she sleeps. Please baby sleep. I seriously think she was up for about 4 hours today. If she is not better by tomorrow, I think I might take her in again. She was still running a fever today. Its quite worrisome I would say.

So, that leaves me to ask you all a question. In what circumstance should Doug help me? He says he shouldn't have to get out of bed early today, 715am, because he had to work at noon. The thing is, I have had many sleepless nights and not once has Doug gotten up with her to let me sleep in since Christmas at his parents house. At work, yes he is working, he sleeps in a large bed all to himself and can sleep in as late as he wants. I don't get that luxury. Am I crazy to ask him to do this once and a while? Especially because he sleeps through her crying all the time. So opinions please on the division of labour. AND if you really want to leave it anonymous, go ahead,I just want some advice. Oh yes, I might add that Doug went BACK to bed for another hour of uniteruppted sleep after he fed her. I could not go back to sleep.


At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should be 50/50. Both parents will be exhausted at the end of the first year but they should be exhausted together and equally.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Candice,
I think mommy needs some time off every week. Sit down and discuss it with your hubby, find out what day will work best for him, pressumably not a day when he needs to go to work. Plan it, go out to lunch with a friend, shopping whatever.
About the sleeping thing, I'd rather bring her to bed and cuddle than listen to a crying baby for an hour. Doug's turn, talk to him about it, it's part of daddy duty and he needs to take his turn or he will end up with a crabby, grouchy wife.....I'm sure he doesn't want that!!!

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Candice,

When a baby is sick he/she needs attention no matter how many times he/she wakes up a parent. The baby needs to know that they can trust thier parent to help them out no matter what. It's really tough on the parent but still better for baby. If you're worried that this will start a round of night wakings that you will have to deal with later you're probably right, but you can help her break that habit when she is feeling healthy.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you and Doug can work this out you'll be able to write a book about how and make a million... Division of labour between two exhausted parents is incredibly difficult. But whatever you end up doing, make sure Kiera doesn't have to listen to the "negotiations" - it won't make her feel any better when she's sick...

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds reasonable that you should get some relief from the Mr on days when he doesn't have to work...
Make arrangements in advance as to who's going to get up. The "getter-upper" should let the other parent sleep... set up a space where that parent and baby will be comfortable cuddling so that the lucky "sleeper" can do that. It sounds like you have the worst of both worlds because you go back to bed with baby making noise and neither gets any rest.
Negotiate in advance.... that's the key.

At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo,

First of all, here's a huge HUG! Hang in there, this too shall pass... altho' when you're in the thick of it time passes oh so slowly.

I sympathize and I remember. Stu never heard baby night noises either. How do men DO that?? He did, however, support me when I asked for what I needed - a turn at sleeping uninterrupted for a few hours. Trouble was, I couldn't sleep if my babe was upset. Sigh... So, our solution oftentimes was for Daddy dearest to vacate the home - tot in tow - while exhausted Mommy embraced the silence and collapsed coma-like for a blissful, brief break. Communicate. Negotiate. Appreciate. And nap during the day when Kiera does! XO


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