Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Am I babysitting?

I was just wondering as last night Doug was suppose to watch her for a couple of hours by himself and said he was babysitting.

She is sick today. I wasn't sure yesterday if she was going to get sick, but she woke up with a runny nose and cruddy lungs. It sounds like the croupe. am I suppose to seek a doctors attention for that? and what medicine am I suppose to give her? she is still pretty happy, her mostly happy self, sleeping all right and everything. any advice would be great.

and yet another question for you lovely people which you can all answer again anonymously, should I be expected to make dinner for Doug when I am not here? Last night when he was suppose to be "babysitting" her for the 3 hours I was going to be gone, he asked me to make sure some kind of dinner was ready for him when he got home. He felt it was a reasonable expectation after a long work day. I will leave the nasty details out, but that was the just of the argument.

We do have the sleep thing figured out mostly now, you'll all be happy to know. we just take turns on his days off about who gets up with her. I think that is reasonable enough. we'll just have to figure this one out too.


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Doug is a big boy and should be able to cook his own meal. He expects you to cook and watch Kiera at the same time.

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BABYSITTING?! You can't baby sit your own children. It looks to me that you have 2 kids to watch out for, Doug and Kiera.

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug is MAD at me for this blog. he felt that I wasn't telling the whole story. I didn't tell the whole story, bc I felt it was a fight that details were unneccesary. in my opinion, this was the jist of our argument. soo...I dunno.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

don't do that!!

now, i've never been married (much to your chagrin), but i'm pretty sure you aren't helping you and doug's relationship when you write posts about how right you were in an argument. it doesn't help resolve anything, it just prolongs arguments. i have no idea who's right, nor do i really care. but i do know doug fairly well, and i'm pretty sure he gets REALLY pissed off when some unnamed reader accuses him of being on the same level as a child. granted, you didn't write that, but since that is the effect your writing is having, you may as well have. which, in the end, makes life harder for you.

ps-you should email me the pics you want on this site

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

don't do that!!

now, i've never been married (much to your chagrin), but i'm pretty sure you aren't helping you and doug's relationship when you write posts about how right you were in an argument. it doesn't help resolve anything, it just prolongs arguments. i have no idea who's right, nor do i really care. but i do know doug fairly well, and i'm pretty sure he gets REALLY pissed off when some unnamed reader accuses him of being on the same level as a child. granted, you didn't write that, but since that is the effect your writing is having, you may as well have. which, in the end, makes life harder for you.

ps-you should email me the pics you want on this site

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering why the only post by Doug is in his defence. I think that he would feel good about posting his experiances with his daughter. i also think that it would add value to this already fabulous journal of your daughters life.

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering why the only post by Doug is in his defence. I think that he would feel good about posting his experiances with his daughter. i also think that it would add value to this already fabulous journal of your daughters life.

At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every hard working man deserves to come home to a nicely prepared meal. Our guys work hard to support us and we need to appreciate them, and cooking something for their dinner is a very small way we can show our gratefulness and thankfulness.


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