Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Busy week

The house is almost done. thank goodness! Barring a major catastrophe, we should have it on the market by Wednesday. The carpet is going in on Monday, the drywall is finished and the painting is also almost complete. We have an offer on the other house which we are waiting to hear a response from. hopefully the other house will sell as quickly.

Kiera has also been her busy little learning self. For her birthday she got a book that had a bunch of kids songs, including Old McDonald. So now, she takes out the book and sings E I E I, with the songs, all of them. she was singing it with daddy this morning. she has also added YAY to her vocabulary. she says YAY, just like mummy and starts to clap her hands. its super cute.

she also had another milestone yesterday as well. we went to the mall to pick up some new pants for uncle Brenstu and while we were there we stopped at the park in the middle of the mall. it is SO HOT here, that no one wants to be outside in the middle of the day. At first she just kind of hung out with all of these older kids running like mad around her. she gingerly stepped up a couple of steps till she figured out she could do it on her own. So she did and she was off. then she went down a slide. I helped her at first, then she was good to go. she actually wanted to be like all the other kids so she started to climb up it backwards. She almost made it to the top, but not quite. the theme of this park was snowy, so they had plastic fake snow with bumps in it. she moved to the bumps and climbed up the hill. she was VERY pleased with herself. then she went to a covered slide, I came to the bottom so she could see me and she came down it all by herself. she was very happy. and then she turned around and climbed up that one. she is quite the tough girl who loves to climb whatever she can. I wish I had a camera. I let her play for 20 minutes and then it was time to go. was she MAD at me. had one of her famous toddler tantrums. its quite funny actually. today we were walking by the nieghbours house and stopped to chat. she was saying how cute and beautiful Kiera was and how great this age is. I was like uh huh, until she starts screaming in protest. we chatted with this lady for a while and Kiera wanted out of her stroller to toddle around, which I let her. then it was time to back in the stroller for a few short moments. she SCREAMED at me, and my nieghbour starting laughing. I was like SEE I TOLD YA! it was actually pretty funny. her storms come and go and it was like they never happened
she is sleeping right now, which is good. we are heading up to go stand by on the COG railway. isn't that the story of our lives, standby? I seriously doubt we will get on this on a Saturday, but who knows.


At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey did you make it on the railway? I love reading your Kiera blog. Hope Brentsu got the pants he needed.


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