Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My ohsocrunchy self rearing its head again

Its funny, because I never really considered myself very crunchy and in many ways I don't. I mean, I don't cloth diaper (yet) am not a vegatarian (likely never) and I certainly don't wear skirts all the time and no make up or something like that. (though, I do do the no make up thing quite regularly).

but since becoming a mama and actually researching stuff and stuff becoming important to me, I am becoming less mainstream that is for sure.'

so my latest conquest into research is vaccinations. now prior to this, I have done all of Kiera's vaccines on schedule. now I am kind of feeling "DOH" about it. why? well, they have this crazy schedule down here of when children are suppose to be immunized. like basically everything by the age of 2. 2 folks. yes, 2. lets pump your child full of potentially harmful crap and then lets deny any link to autism or other disorders that develop because of this crazy schedule of vaccines. because really, as the more research I have done shows, its most about the bucks. how surprising is that?!!

take for example, the Hep B vaccine. this disease is primarily an STD!! and STD and they want my TWO YEAR old to be fully immunized from it. where is the sense in that one???
The MMR....well, in case you haven't being paying attention, the Mumps has had a rather large outbreak in Iowa, and guess what? half the kids who are getting it are IMMUNIZED!! its not as if its going to kill you or something and for girls, its not really that big of a deal. it can't maim you or cause brain damage. for boys, the worst possible side effect is infertility. which I do take seriously and I would consider having it for my boy if I had one.
Then there is the one for whooping cough, pertissis or however you spell it. this has been a pretty major link between horrible reactions and children who just NEVER get over this shot and have severe developmental delays because of it.
in fact, there is a whole program of funds dedicated to children harmed by vaccines. The autism rate has SOARED in the past 20 years and yet there still seems to be a refusal of some of the medical community to call a spade a spade and admit the link between the two. this also concerns me because my nephew, cute adorable boy that he is, was exposed to this. Did it cause it? I don't know. but I really believe that my brother is taking the right route and not exposing his younger son to that crap that is in those vaccines.
I have been really lucky because Kiera appeared to have had no adverse reactions. and at this point, though I know I am delaying at minimum, its not as if I am crossing them ALL off of my list. but, the fact is, any recenty cases of polio have only been BECAUSE of the vaccine, not because they were prevented by it.
I still remember this ad"Immunize by 2, its up to you". please. packing these tiny bodies full of innoculations really just depresses me. I thought I was doing Kiera a favour when the shots were combined, but in fact they could have potentially completely overloaded her little body.

oh yeah, and another little stat that I like to think about, because I like little stats, is that Japan doesn't start any immunization until they are 2 either. and guess what their autism rate is? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - The family that I nannied for had some of these same concers...esp. concerning the MMR...their pediatrition said that the concerns are partially linked with the combination of the 3 vaccines...She found a CANADIAN pharmisist (and later found it was common in canada) who carried the vaccines ceperatly from each other...Something to think about

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Candice said...

yeah, that is the tough part. finding someone who is WILLING to do them seperately. I guess that is hard.
but you know me and my mistrust of the medical community just keeps on growing....

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will tell you what I have are responsible for educating yourself! Period. Surround yourself with perfessionals that you trust and respect and then balance that with your own research. You can MAKE people do what you want. Doctors work for you...Do your research and order them seperatly delivered to your MD (or if you have the ability get it done in Canada)

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Jeannie Babb said...

fwiw, I asked my pediatrician to get separate vaccines for my children. Her response was something like "What, you're not vaccinating? I never really noticed." And then she told me not to come back.

No kidding.


At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just was updating myself on your blog and thought I would say that I agree with what you are saying about immunizations...Chan and I have decided to wait to immunize Davia because of my little autistic brother and because of all the junk in the shots...I don't want to mess her up any more than I already will;)


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