Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I didn't know I had such a wide readership

Until I was hearing complaints from every department. okay okay, here I am. I am pregnant you know, I am suppose to have some slack in this department.

Her latest and greatest. well, obviously I am not going to remember everything she has done in the past two months. so I will try for the highlights:
Here is the not fun stuff: One Saturday night, Doug went to get her when she started crying in the middle of the night. I stayed in bed and heard him calling me. I was annoyed. annoyed because Doug always seems to need my help on things that I KNOW he knows how to do. I also had my contacts out and am blinder than a bat. I got out of bed and though I couldn't SEE it, Kiera had projectile vomited onto Doug TWICE. Poor Doug. and then onto the carpet and the wall. ewwwwwwww. she was crying, sort of a pathetic cry that was indicating just how sad she was about feeling this bad. anyway. I brought her to bed with me and a bowl in an effort to catch any more puke for the rest of the night. I did, and Doug slept in the other room. she also started to get the runs....oh what fun that was. but I managed to catch the rest of it, and some sleep. she seemed to be tired, but didn't throw up again until Monday afternoon. On Monday afternoon, when Doug had left for work of course, I felt quite nauseous. being pregnant, this was not a very unusual state. I called my friend, told her I wasn't feeling great, threw everything up myself and felt pretty cruddy for the rest of the night. I retired to bed pretty early, but at about 1130, I could feel my mouth drying up and wasn't able to keep anything down for the past 10 hours or whatever it was. I called ALL OF MY FRIENDS and NO ONE PICKED UP THEIR PHONE. seriously. NO ONE. I ended up getting Donnie, my tenant from downstairs, to sleep on my couch while I took an AMBULANCE RIDE to the hospital...where they pumped me full of fluids for the next 2 hours. of course I laid there worrying that Kiera would wake up the whole time, but she didn't, THANK GOD, seriously. so at 3am I took a cab home all by myself. it sucked. did I mention it sucked? did I mention how much I WANTED MY MOMMY!!??? the next day, she woke up at her usual time of 7am and I was totally exhausted after my crazy night. I was grouchy and she of course still expected to have breakfast, lunch, the whole nine yards. my dog needed to be walked. so I did something I had never done before, I let Bentley out the door. just let him out all by himself, completely unintended. and guess what else? I really didn't care! I was just too tired. after about 10 minutes I called him and he came non chalantly coming up to the house, down the street that he rarely goes down. whatever. he was alive and empty. that was all I cared about.

So, bc I didn't have my INSURANCE card on me (grrrrrrr) I just got my bill today from the ambulance ride. itwas $800. seriously. good Lord. and my hospital bill was 900. isn't that ridiculous??!!! that is almost as much as being at the HOSPITAL. so now I have to deal with that. how joyous.

Kiera is adding to her vocabulary everyday. in fact, she has started to IMITATE us and everything we say. like BLESS YOU after she sneezes. she said it to me the other day when I sneezed. she insists on watching her baby Einstien videos where every animal she knows she tells us and makes their sound "woof woof!" "meow!" "DUCKO!" and she does this HILARIOUS sound that is like growling that we couldn't figure out where she was learning this from. we figured that out today when she was watching her video coming on and she was doing her best to make the sound that the duck was making, which sounds like growling. somedays, I just want to shrink wrap her and make her stay this tiny and cute.

She has also started to shake her head NO and YES. I just noticed this a couple days ago and I am not sure how long she has been doing it. I mean, it could be a while and her silly mum never noticed.
we had guests over for Thanksgiving, and after linner, we watched a movie. it was IN AMERICA, a tear jerker, that is if you don't have an 18 month old pushing her firetruck car that has noise makers in its wheels. lol. so there she is pushing it and I was like "kiera, shhhhhh" and covered my lips with my finger. she went "ssssss" and covered her lips with her finger too. she really is a crack me up, let me tell ya.

well I hope this will appease the masses. I had a friend take family pics for us, only after to discover that he charged $10 a PICTURE!! for a 4X6!! so, there goes using that shot for a mass produced Christmas card. there are some super cute pics of Kiera that he took though, so if any of you are interested, I can email you the link and you can order 1 or 2 candids.