Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Monday, May 01, 2006

She really is my favourite person

She is just SO DARN CUTE! I mean, what can I say? she has turned into such a little *person*, which sounds kind of goofy, but seriously.........

Today I handed her the phone and told her to phone whoever she'd like. I told her she could phone cookie monster if she really wanted. well she picks up the phone and says "cookie?" and talks for a bit about things I don't understand. then she hands the phone to me and I have a chit chat with cookie about the letter of the day.

She also does this hilarious thing in the car where she informs Doug and I that we are not "allowed" to dance if we move at all. apparently, we must be really embarassing. she says "NO DANCE DADDY! or NO DANCE MOMMY!" and gets quite cheesed about it if we DO dance.

This weekend she learned "twinkle twinkle little star", which Doug and I sang to her and she tried her best to sing with it and raise her hands in the air and "twinkle" them. then we sang our ABC's, which she tried her very best to do, and got every 10th letter or so. but she does this dance swaying thing from side to side and sometimes includes her head. its so cute.

Yesterday I told her grandpa and grandma were coming, who she hasn't seen for months and she runs to the window. to her disappointment they weren't there and she actually got pretty upset with me. then I felt bad because she doesn't grasp the concept of time and when they are coming.

this baby is suppose to come this week if my neurological system isn't lying, if it is, then who knows. I am suppose to have a belly cast on Wednesday, which reminds me that I need to find someone to watch her for a couple of hours.

nothing else new around here. I am just having lots of fun the last few days its just Kiera and I. and kind of sad about it. she is so fun and I am going to be splitting my time between two kids. and this is SUCH a fun age. babies are so much work.......... sigh.


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