Kiera's Tyranny

This blog is about our 2 children, Kiera 2 and Kalista, both born in May, 2 years and 9 days apart. I like to post pictures and tell funny stories about usually Kiera's antics. This is a way to keep family and friends "in the loop". I have moved my ranting to another blog :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I think I forgot to tell the story of the snort. well, she has always done this "snort" face where she crinkles her nose. the other day, well talking to auntie Kimmy, I said "let me see if I can get her to do this" and I snorted at her. she promptly snorted right back. Kim actually didn't know it was her until I said "Kim, that was Kiera" Then Kim laughed. Kiera kept on snorting bc Kim was on speaker phone and we were both laughing. it was pretty funny. Kiera is a real crack me up.

My friend from my website came over tonight. she has a son that is about 3 weeks older than Kiera. they did some parallel play and we all had a good time. what was fun about it was that Rene is SOOOO much like me. She is even an ENFP to boot. she looked at my house, which actually doesn't look THAT bad, I mean most stuff was off the floor, and said "You are just like me" and then she told me how she calls herself a someone who stays at home, but isn't a HOMEMAKER. she said she is good at raising her baby, but notsomuch on the clean front. I laughed and said I have to use that one for myself!
I think Kiera is a bit too young for the angry dance unless I do it with her. so I am going to try that next time.

We had play group today at Mr. Biggs, this place with all of this different equipment for small kids to play on. it was pretty fun. She is really quite agile, I hadn't realised how coordinated she was until some kids that were a bit older than her were struggling to do the same things. I went up and down this bridge with her twice and then she mastered her all by herself. She has also figured out how to walk backwards. I am very happy she can do these things and I think part of it is that I don't hover. I should probably hover a bit more, but she is really quite independent when she wants to be. but I am happy to say that she is back to holding my hand now. after she learned to walk, if we tried to touch her hand, she would screech at us. now, if I let her walk, she holds my hand while we do so. this is good. I am still thinking about a tether though, she does like to take off.

She is also getting her two molars. the other day she was this HUGE grouch and I couldn't figure out why. now I know...they are just breaking the surface on one side and about to come in on the other. painful and miserable to boot. all things considered, it could be a lot worse.

I can't believe that she is 15 months old all ready. crazy. she is such a sweet kid and so much fun to be around. I told Brent that actually she is a really good kid, and he didn't believe me. but she really is compared to a lot of other much more demanding kids her age. I love her to death and I keep freaking out about leaving her for Egypt. I am not sure I should, but bringing her to Egypt would be slightly more insane I think....


At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the troops want more pictures! Let me know and I will help!


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